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Mastering Online Marketing for Christmas Fair Events

  • 15 Steps


Welcome to the 'Mastering Online Marketing for Christmas Fair Events' course! In this comprehensive program, you will learn how to effectively promote and sell tickets for events like the Friends of Beaconsfield High School Christmas Fair. This course is tailored to help event organizers, marketers, and sponsors elevate their online marketing strategies. Throughout the 3 learning units and 5 steps in each section, you will explore topics such as creating compelling event advertisements, leveraging social media for maximum reach, optimizing sponsorships, showcasing prizes effectively, and strategizing event highlights to attract attendees. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create a successful online marketing campaign for your Christmas fair, driving engagement, ticket sales, and overall event success.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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